Sunday, March 31, 2013

Pork ribs

I know, I know.. there were enough ribs today... But I had these ready, too, so I just couldn't resist taking a pic of it and posting you another tempting goodie for Easter Monday dinner, out in the sunny, fresh garden air. Especially in Finland at this time of the year :D. I'm soo mean.. but these will warm up your soul in the cold wintery days as well...
We had this for today afternoon, with the minor exception that it was a 4kg (8.5 pounds) serving :), so don't expect the recipe below to look like the pic above when it comes to quantities.

Ingredients (4 small portions to be served with a side dish, about 2 ribs - 2 bones + meat - per serving, it is about 2 restaurant rib portions)
1 kg, 2 pounds pork ribs
1/4 bottle beer
salt to taste (maybe 1/2 flat tsp per kg)
black pepper to taste (I'm very generous with black pepper in general :), so be brave when adding it)
1-2 humpy tsp minced, salted red paprika (they sell them at least in the Eastern European shops here), Édes Anna if you are in Hungary, but people usually make their own as well. You can also use Ajvar, and if you like spicy food, use the spicy version
Suggestions: instead of minced paprika you can prepare the ribs with BBQ sauce. In that case add only salt, black pepper and the beer, prepare & fry them in the oven according to the guidelines below, and for the last 15 minutes add some wiggles of BBQ sauce on top of the ribs.

Place the ribs in an oven-proof pan and broil each side for 5 min.
Put them back in the pan with the meaty side down, sprinkle with salt, black pepper, spread the red paprika paste on the ribs, (or Ajvar), pour the beer on top of everything and put it back to the preheated oven.
Cover with a foil and bake at 30 min at 200 C, 400 F.
Lower the heat to 150 C and fry them for so many hours as many kg the ribs.
Optionally!!! at 1/3rd of the time turn the ribs up side down, and at 2/3rd of the time turn them back to their original position. I usually take the effort to make this meticulous work because I wanna be sure that all tiny bits of the meat had the chance to fry in the sauce.
When ready remove the foil, turn them again with the meaty side up and broil them for 3-5 minutes.
Serve with mashed or oven potatoes, with some Dijon mustard on the side..

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